Lower Back Pain Due To Spinal Arthritis Non-Surgical Pain Management in Delhi

Back pain treatment in Delhi

Lower Back Pain Due To Spinal Arthritis

Low back pain (LBP), in simple words, is any pain in the bottom region of spine, between lower margins of ribs and the gluteal folds (end of buttocks). It is a leading cause of disability with lifetime prevalence estimated at 70–80%. In other words, 70- 80 % of us will be troubled by back pain at some point in our life. The pain may vary in severity from a mild discomfort or distraction to severe pain bringing life to a standstill. Common causes of LBP include muscle or ligament strain, arthritis of the spine, disc bulges/ rupture (slipped disc in common language) and pinched nerves. Other causes include degenerative discs, abnormal curvature or alignment of spine, narrowing of the spinal canal and referred pain from nearby areas. Fortunately, serious causes such as fracture, infection, cancer etc. are not so common. The pain may remain localised to the back or spread to the legs. Pain radiating to the legs accompanied by numbness, tingling and weakness is addressed as sciatica.

Back Pain Secondary Arthritis Of Spinal Joints

One of the causes of back pain is arthritis of the spinal joints. Spine is made up of a number of vertebrae stacked one above the other. The vertebrae join with each other at joints called the facet joints. These joints provide stability while allowing some degree of movement. As one ages, they can become painful and stiff as a result of wear and tear or inflammation. This condition is called facet joint arthritis or simply arthritis of the joints of the spine.


This is a common question on everyone’s mind – What can one do to minimise the chances of developing this problem? Prevention involves combining healthy lifestyle with regular exercises to strengthen the core muscles. Healthy lifestyle includes eating healthy, maintaining a healthy weight, good posture, smart lifting using correct technique and not smoking.


Injections for this pain issue are safe, effective, non-surgical interventions routinely performed as day cases under local anaesthesia. The options include

  • Facet Joint Injections
  • Radiofrequency Treatment

For more information : 


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