Sport Injury Treatment in Delhi
Sports Injuries Prevention Overuse and trauma are two common factors responsible for sports injuries. Both intrinsic (such as age, fitness level, muscle strength etc) and extrinsic factors (such as equipment, environment, type of activity etc) play a role in injuries. Prevention of injuries may involve changing of training schedule, gear, training, practicing environment and style and many other factors. Primary prevention deals with prevention of an injury whereas secondary prevention is about prevention of re occurrence of injury. As "Prevention is better than cure," here are some tips that can help you prevent sports injuries. Whilst most of these may seem like common knowledge, you would be surprised by how many injuries can be avoided by following these tips. Tip 1: Understand the importance of physical conditioning and know your limits This factor is often overlooked by amateurs who easily succumb to temptation and overindulge. It is easy to get carried ...