
Showing posts from December, 2022

Sport Injury Treatment in Delhi

  Sports Injuries Prevention   Overuse and trauma are two common factors responsible for sports injuries. Both intrinsic (such as age, fitness level, muscle strength etc) and extrinsic factors (such as equipment, environment, type of activity etc) play a role in injuries. Prevention of injuries may involve changing of training schedule, gear, training, practicing environment and style and many other factors. Primary prevention deals with prevention of an injury whereas secondary prevention is about prevention of re occurrence of injury. As "Prevention is better than cure," here are some tips that can help you prevent sports injuries. Whilst most of these may seem like common knowledge, you would be surprised by how many injuries can be avoided by following these tips. Tip 1: Understand the importance of physical   conditioning and know your limits This factor is often overlooked by amateurs who easily succumb to temptation and overindulge.  It is easy to get carried ...

Smoking And Back Pain - What Is The Link?

Back Pain Treatment in India Everyone knows about the relationship between cigarettes and heart disease or lung cancer, but are you aware that  Smoking Can Increase the Chances of Your Having Disc Problems By 4 Times.  When I inform my patients about this they are very surprised. Cigarettes contain more than 7000 toxic chemicals and we know at least more than 250 of them are harmful to our body. Numerous studies have reported that smoking is associated with chronic pain, especially back and joint pains. Increased chronic pain is due to the ability of nicotine and other chemicals to: Narrows blood vessels, reducing the blood flow to the muscles, bones and other body parts Impact on brain circuitry Impact on immunity and slow healing Increased fatigue Increase blood pressure The incidence of  chronic low back pain  among smokers compared to non-smokers is higher, and smokers experience more severe pain. This is true irrespective of the sex and nature of work (manual la...

Struggling With Pain After Breast Cancer Surgery? Learn More About Post Mastectomy Pain

Breast Cancer Surgery Breast cancer is a common cancer among women worldwide. A variety of problems can occur during treatment, and persisting pain after surgery is one such issue. It can affect 20% to 50% of women after mastectomy (operation involving removal of breast) and is defined as pain in the chest, armpit, upper arm, and shoulder persisting for more than 3 months post-surgery. Treating this pain is important as persisting pain besides causing suffering, can negatively impact on mood, sleep, activities of daily living, social interactions, and overall quality of life. Reduced working ability and financial implications are obvious consequences as shown in one study where 54% of individuals reported reducing their workload to part-time as a direct result of pain. As the survivorship is increasing, enabled by the technological advancements in medicine, the focus needs to be equally on quality of life and reducing suffering. Phantom breast sensation (where one fe...

Chronic Post Surgical Pain treatment in Delhi By The Best Pain Specialist in Delhi - Dr. Amod Manocha

Chronic Post Surgical Pain treatment : Chronic post surgical pain (CPSP) is pain localized to the surgical site or a referred area persisting 3 months after surgery. To diagnose CPSP pain should have been absent before surgery or should have different characteristics from preoperative pain. Other possible causes of the pain such as infection, recurrence of original problem etc need to be excluded. CPSP is a common complication of surgery and rates up to 80 % in adults have been reported in some studies. CPSP is also reported in children although the incidence is less than in adults. It can have significant consequences for the individual and the World Health Organisation plans to include this as a separate diagnosis in the upcoming version of the International Classification of Diseases, ICD-11. Type of surgery influences not only the risk of development but also the severity of CPSP. Some surgeries are more prone to develop CPSP such as amputations, thoracotomy, and mastectomy. It is...